I. Confronting Jimmy Walter and 9/11, Part II or

Saddam Hussein’s so-called WMD’s


Updated Introduction to the 1st Edition

By The Publisher with Emails from the Author




This updated introduction has been given the polemical title "Confronting Jimmy Walter and 9/11, Part II" for at least four reasons. Before attempting to substantiate these reasons in order to bridge the large credibility gap that is bound to have already arisen in the mind of the unsuspecting reader, these reasons shall at first simply be listed and briefly commented upon.


The first reason is the title page of this pre-publication, which shows a loaded container ship sailing into the harbour of New York City with the emblem of the CIA and the name Jimmy Walter on its bow. According to the designer of this front page, the author Slobodan Mitric, former Yugoslav Secret Service agent with a life-long, distinguished experience in counter-intelligence and anti-terrorist fieldwork,[1] weapon experts can easily identify the cargo on the ship’s deck as weapons of mass destruction, including a nuclear installation device.[2]

In a recent email to me, he elaborated on this as follows:


The collage on  the front page of Operation Twins II that I sent you shows the atomic bomb of the CIA that back in 2003 CIA Director Turner and the American Secretary of State Colin Powell  showed to the world in order to ‘prove’ that Saddam Hussein supposedly had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In reality, however, these were photos taken by "top agents" of the CIA

And as everyone in the world now knows, based on this ‘evidence’ Iraq was bombed flat,  and these  weapons were never found. This was because the CIA had recovered them from Iraq and - in the same manner that they were smuggled into Iraq (by boats) - hid them in underwater forts, as shown already in the preview chapter of Operation Twins II available on internet since 2005…

The entire second part of Operation Twins deals with the ‘atomic bombs of Turner and Powell.’


Voorpagina OT2 Detail nr

As I told you at that time, that front page shows the CIA atom bomb installation on the boat (owned by an Egyptian from Alexandria, who has nothing to do with this smuggling - this picture was chosen simply because I found the boat was suitable), that is why I placed the CIA stamp under the nuclear bomb installation on that boat.

First, Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction on the basis of which he could be charged, which is why the CIA  decided to show such an nuclear bomb installation that  was  mobile due to the fact that it  could be moved about by train or trucks. This was a good idea of  the CIA, but also very bad, because in this way terrorists were given the idea that you could move an nuclear bomb installation about via mobile means, such a mobile transportation method is for example a boat.

This joke by the CIA can be hallmarked as the stamp: shipment back to sender.

Through this Operation Twins II collage, I wanted to show the world that we should not play around with such deadly serious matters.

And do realize that the CIA will have to justify why they have shown their own nuclear bomb installation in public thereby demonstrating how small nuclear factories can be moved around.

This is the highest form of idiocy.

Conclusion: This atom bomb installation on the front page of Operation Twins II is a photo of the CIA nuclear installation that supposedly Saddam Hussein possessed…

The CIA was aware of all these plans in 1982 because they were able to lay their hands on Operation Twins. I am slowly beginning to wonder: were these agents who told me all that in detail also not sent to me by the CIA and MOSSAD in order to afterwards prepare their dirty wars, which are now already taking place? If I think things over well, I would not be surprised if that were indeed the case.

Anyway, it is only in the United States and nowhere else that an answer can be given to all these questions.”


The ship is thus not named The New Mecca, as in the preview chapter entitled The Titians of Operation Twins II in which divers from a container ship are prevented from boarding a nuclear weapon from a secret underwater depot in international waters by the sudden arrival of a US Navy destroyer, but of all people: Jimmy Walter, the US multi-millionaire known, among other things, for his active role in the 9/11 movement and his call to reopen the 9/11 investigation. Bear with us.


The second reason is that the name of the CIA agent in the Titians chapter mentioned above is also named Walter, albeit without a first name.


The third reason concerns the ominous date 9/11 in the title to this introduction, This brings us to the disclosures by Slobodan Mitric in his summary of Operation Twins II entitled “The Invisible War Between The ‘Secret Services’ of America and Russia” that follows this introduction. In it, he not only identifies the so-called rogue elements of the disgruntled former Secret Services of East and West, in conjunction with the international (Dutch) mafia, as the perpetrators of many, if not all, recent major high-tech terrorist attacks,[3] but  also confronts the leading politicians, police and other officials in this country with the accusation that they have long been aware of this, yet for various reasons have withheld it from the general public. And, what is worse, that they have not been galvanised into taking the proper required measures. This sordid state of affairs may help in answering the question, as to why does Slobodan Mitric not simply go to the police or to the politicians with all his supposedly vital information? Appendix 2 “Karate Bob and The Lubbers’ Muslim Bomb”, in which the name of  the hitherto unidentified intermediary between Mitric and Lubbers is revealed as a former head of the disbanded Dutch Internal Security Service (BVD) Van Hulst, appendix  6 “Dutch Mafia in Police Uniform” and nr. 7 “The Chinese Connection”, both taken from the journal “The Serbian Army”, all may serve to show that this well-meaning advice is in principle a lost cause, because the corrupted top would try to block and cover up any attempts to get to the bottom of this matter in order to prevent a possible political earthquake and save their own skins, so to speak.[4]  Only massive pressure by the force of informed public opinion can make any inroads into this bulwark.

            This conspiracy of silence may also explain the repeated attempts by the Dutch government to harass the author by threatening to extradite him to Yugoslavia, where a certain death would await him, in spite of  two legal verdicts from 1986 (appendices 8 and 9) forbidding the Dutch government to do so.[5] The latest attempt to extradite him in 2006 made headlines, not only in the national Dutch media and press, but also in Serbia where a large national daily published a four-page illustrated article announcing the imminent arrival in Belgrade of this “Serbian Super Agent”. In appendix 1, a translation of this article can be read. Public outcry by human rights officials and a pending legal appeal by his lawyer managed to prevent or this extradition attempt.[6] The authorities have also repeatedly refused to issue  Mitric, who has been tolerated as an undesirable alien in this country for 33 years and who was married to a Dutch citizen, the independent artist Iris de Vries (who died in 2005 in hospital under suspicious circumstances), a residence permit, which would finally allow him to live and work here as a normal human being.


However, as already indicated, not only leading Dutch politicians and officials were aware of this “invisible war” and have apparently failed to act adequately on this information, but also leading officials in the US. This is borne out by the fact that Mitric sent in the eighties of the last century numerous reports via his US connection Dr. Milorad Markovich to the CIA. Two such reports are reprinted here in appendix 6. In one of them,  Markovich addresses the then director of the FBI as “Phil” informing him that Mitric had infiltrated into an international ring of terrorists, including 10 Americans, and that he had also discovered who was financing them.[7] After Mitric finally had to come to the bitter and painful conclusion that nothing much was done with these illustrated forewarnings to 9/11, he began to publish them in his trilingual journal “The Serbian Army” in an attempt to address and confront the world with his unique expertise and vast experience in this field. Two of these in the form of prophetic photo collages are reprinted in appendix 5, showing planes crashing down onto New York City, and Wshington while below explosive charges are shown planted in by men on the ground hulled in Arab headgear ready to detonate them. (The man in the foreground, as it were trying to protect and ward off this attack, is a former member of the Serbian Army journal, and as such has nothing to do with the attackers.) These photo collages were made public in Mitric’ journal “The Serbian Army” in the period 1991-1993, after they had in the previous decade been personally handed over to officials of the CIA, FBI and DIA. “From 1986 onwards, I was informed about the attacks by airplanes on the Twin Towers in New York – and also on the Pentagon, House of Congress and the White House in Washington”, Mitric writes in letter published Operation Twins I that is reprinted in part here in appendix 4. [8]  


Finally, the words “Part II” in the title of this introduction beg an explanation, with which we come to the promised attempt to substantiate the above reasons given for confronting Jimmy Walters and others with these dire charges. Towards that end, we shall now turn to some press releases as well as emails by Mitric to Walter and vice-versa.



On May 25, 2005 the Willehalm Institute gave out a press release entitled “CONFRONTING JIMMY WALTER: Does He Really Want to Know Who Is Behind 9/11 and What Is Next?” which was later, with an update on June 6, put on the Willehalm website, where it can still be read. This occurred some two months after the public presentation of Operation Twins on March 4 in the Dutch National Press Centre Nieuwspoort, situated next to the Parliament buildings in The Hague, which, not surprisingly, was all but boycotted by the invited mass media.[9] Although review copies with press releases etc. were subsequently sent out to the national and international press, not a single review appeared, the only two Dutch distributors of English-speaking books Van Ditmar and Nillsson en Lamb refused to handle it, while the National Library Service sent a copy back with the cryptic comment: “too specialistic” with the result that no library received any notice of it. Therefore, when we heard that US multi-millionaire Jimmy Walter and his team of experts were coming on his Mega European tour with a call to reopen the 9/11 investigation, we thought that in him we had finally found an ally, especially since he made an urgent appeal for help from the old continent – i.e. someone possibly interested in the prophetic findings and testimony of Mitric’ criminological research and financially in a position to widely disseminate it. Yet, all our efforts to reply to his call for assistance met with a deaf ear and we therefore started wondering what his real agenda was. In the press release, this was formulated as follows:


“This long silence on the part of Jimmy Walter however, who has after all put himself with his Mega tour in the forefront as the prime 9/11 truth-seeker of the present moment, is doubly strange and unsettling. For my contribution to the opening leg of his tour in Amsterdam on May 20 was by no means my first attempt to bring this matter to his immediate attention. Already in mid-February of this year, a press release was sent to him announcing Mitric’ prophetic foreknowledge of 9/11 and his advance warning signals. On February 22, 2005 a copy of the book “Operation Twins” itself and a letter had been sent to him to his address in California. Furthermore, the day before the opening of his European tour an email was sent to him on May 19 again via his website and as well through his personal assistant, offering to bring him in touch with the Serbian writer of “Operation Twins”, who is living here in exile in Amsterdam. Yet in spite of these various initiatives to get the ball rolling, including an email on May 22 to Walter’s assistant asking him to comment on short notice on an earlier version of this press release, there has until this mid-afternoon of May 25, absolutely been no response from Jimmy Walter himself.

Now undoubtedly this multi-millionaire receives his share of cranks and phonies and has many things on his mind, yet his protracted silence leads me and Dr. Mitric as an experienced criminologist, to ask: either Jimmy Walter is surrounded by an ill-advised staff who have not brought these pertinent and urgent matters to his attention, or worse have consciously withheld this material from him, or on the other hand – presuming that he did receive and read the emails and the book – that with his “Mega” European tour he is not really interested in finding out the concrete truth behind 9/11 and what is next, but rather in promoting his own person, thereby attracting and registering interested people and parties, who may have useful information, without following it up with a concerted course of common action. If this is indeed his real agenda, Mr. Walter has no moral right to call Bush a liar as he did, for then he himself is an ego-tripper, charlatan or worse. If this however is not the case, I again strongly urge him to establish contact with a source who can, according to my insight and judgment, lead him to the truth behind 9/11 in order to prevent further, even more catastrophic events in the future.”


A few days later, I went to London by bus to promote the book there (without any success) and to meet up with Jimmy Walter on the last leg of his Mega tour. What happened there, I emailed him on June 6:


 “I recently got back from London where I did speak (dressed in a grey suit) at the opening of the English part of your European tour in Friends House, but where I got silenced by the chairman (mike also went dead) just when I wanted to make known what, according to Dr. Slobodan Mitric, author of the trilogy Operation Twins, the next imminent terrorist attack will consist of. More details of this attack, which apparently form the scenario of volume 2 of Operation Twins, can be gotten only from him, even though the CIA have had, according to Mitric, these two other volumes also in their possession since 1987! But I did manage to mention that I had written down Mitric’ warning of a coming attack in a press release entitled ‘Confronting Jimmy Walter’, which I then distributed to interested persons in the hall and which I include here, among others, as an attachment. The fact that you have now finally contacted us has downplayed our suspicion of your true motives, which arose by us because we found it strange and inexplicable that you did not react to our previous attempts to contact you; but we now tend to believe that circumstances or persons have somehow prevented you from reading and appraising the intrinsic value of the unique material we sent you, material which indeed is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.”


In this email I did not mention that after the enforced end of my speech in Friends House I walked up to the podium and handed Jimmy Walter a copy of Operation Twins with in it a copy of this press release. On my return to Amsterdam, I learned that this material had mysteriously disappeared, only to be found on the kitchen table of one of the members of his staff in London…

In a reply on that same day, June 6, to the press release, Jimmy Walter denied the “completely wrong allegations” and made some additional comments on my press release, which, together with the press release itself, he said he distributed to his list.

After I had sent yet another copy to a Polish associate of his in England, he replied by email, stating that he was now studying the book and asking for the address of the author, which I gave to him. On August 31, I received an email from Walter with the subject “Bush-Cheney Rendezvous at Desert One”, referring to an article by Webster Tarpley, author of “9/11 Synthetic Terror – Made In USA”, that began with the words: “With the direct threat of military attack against Iran issued Aug. 13 by Bush, the world has entered a phase of new and acute danger of general [nuclear] war”. His message was: “This is similar to your source.” That was the last we heard of him until after the Mega-conference in Utrecht in 2006.

Now all this time, I had spoken to Slobodan Mitric in Dutch about a certain Jimmy Walter, which in my English pronunciation sounded to him as Wolter, a name he identified with no one he knew. This changed radically, however, when he looked at the DVD “Confronting the Evidence – A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation” produced by Walter, which I had given Mitric when I got back to Amsterdam. This is what he wrote me some time later on September 9, 2006:


The person whom I recognized from the DVD [“Confronting the Evidence] that you lent me [last year] is the person whom I got to know in the summer of 1990 through Paul Wilking (Pistol Paul). Namely, this American multi-millionaire was involved in the liquidation of an acquaintance of mine, whom I described in my book “Nederland’s Maffia” (The Dutch Mafia).  This is a certain Jan Wanroij, who lived in a caravan or wagon camp and who first wound up in jail on the basis of a false accusation that he murdered a prostitute (a female agent of Walter) and who after that was liquidated on orders from Walter.

Be that as it may, Jan Wanroije had a meeting at that time with CIA boss Walter in Zoetemeer [a Dutch town near The Hague], after which he disappeared from the face of the earth.

The people who informed me about this question maintain that Walter had Jan Wanroij executed, because he was guilty of treason by revealing the location, or threatened to do so, of a container filled with cobalt that was stolen from the Rotterdam harbour. This container with cobalt was reportedly returned at the request of the then alderman Bram Peper to the place from where it was stolen. (This was declared to me by a very reliable person, who was a member of the IDB, Inlichtingendienst Buitenland [Dutch CIA]).

Be that as it may, this Jimmy Walter was planning to do the same with me. He reportedly paid more than a hundred thousand dollars to Pistol Paul [Paul Wilking] to lure me to a car junk yard in The Hague, where the same lot as Jan Wanroije was scheduled to await me.

I met this multi-millionaire Jimmy Walter for a few minutes before I was to have been sent to my death. I was sitting in Wilking’s offical car, a red Mercedes 500 SL or something. A millionaire was there on the street with a beautiful young woman a few hundred yards away from the place where I was to meet my death. Wilking introduced me to this fake CIA man.

Now is not the time to describe to you all the things that happened then, but I am convinced that it was the same person that I recognized from the DVD.

            The reason I had to be put away was that I had discovered that Jimmy Walter was part of the “TITIAN” group, the group that was planning to commit terrorist attacks in the USA, something which I had reported to the then head of Reserve Police-International [General Healey] thereby explicitly mentioning that a CIA millionaire was behind these complots: attacks by airplanes on The White House, The House of Congress, The Pentagon, The New York World Trade Centrum and a nuclear power plant with the objective of unleashing a Third World War.

With my death, the CIA millionaire had wanted to prevent that his plans would fail.

The CIA millionaire had become rich by exploiting an illegal lotto in Europe, especially in The Netherlands.

A friend of mine, the first director of the BVD [Dutch National Security Agency] the deceased Hans Teengs Gerritsen, who was poisoned, warned me about both persons, Pistol Paul en the American CIA multi-millionaire.

I would appreciate it if you would translate this letter and publish it in the prepublication of Operation Twins II.

I would also appreciate it if you would inform Jimmy Walter about the contents of this letter and to ask him during his speech [during the 9/11 Mega-Conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on September 16, 2006] for his reaction.

If this Jimmy Walter has nothing to do with my above-mentioned accusations, then there would have to be a twin brother in the picture.

If Jimmy Walter has nothing to hide, then he has to tell the truth. It is very, very much in his own interests.

I am not planning to step aside for any CIA impostor whatsoever.”


In response to some questions of mine, Slobodan Mitric wrote me the following day:


“I want to return to your remark about Jimmy Walter, whom I describe as a CIA boss and yet sometimes as a fake CIA man, an impostor.

The matter is such that he was introduced to me as a CIA man, but because he was implicated by the liquidation of Jan Wanroij, Jimmy Walter is in my eyes an impostor, because the CIA does not liquidate people lightly; there had to be a very, very acceptable reason for regarding Jan Wanroij as a great menace to society. This was not the case; what indeed was true is that in Kralingen, a suburb of Rotterdam, Wanroij threw a firebomb into the sleeping room of a family of a BVD [Dutch National Security Agency] man named J.B. where also the wife of this BVD man with two little kids was sleeping. (At that time, I did a thorough investigation into this matter at the request of the Dutch Secret Service, which brought to light that this BVD boss J.B. himself engaged Jan Wanroij to carry out this operation. However, Jan did not let the bomb explode, but as a scare monger used it to install fear. The wife of J.B. called the police; it was a big scandal in the seventies. In a secret operation, I was then able to completely solve this case, as a result of which Jan Wanroij was let off the hook , but the CIA millionaire had other ideas and that he has to explain himself. That is why I call him a CIA impostor.

As to Hans Teengs Gerritsen, Paul Wilking [Pistol Paul] has declared to me that Gerritsen was poisoned by someone putting a special poison in his milk.

Gerritsen’s son, Hans junior has furnished me with me a different explanation, namely that his father suffered a natural death while driving in a car and that Hans junior was sitting next to him when this happened. But it is not improbable that Hans junior has to lie, because he also declared to me that in every matter he has to first talk to (X)  and that it is (X) who decides what and what not he is allowed to say.

Hans had arranged with me that I would help him in writing his memoirs. We worked a lot on these memoirs; in it there was also mention of an uncle of mine who, together with Hans, fought against the Krauts [Germans] in the Second World War.

The reason that Hans was liquidated was that he was against the reunification of Germany, like, as a matter of fact, also his friend [Dutch] Prince Klaus. Hans begged me to use all possible means to stop this reunification.

Now Robert, so much for this question, because in Operation Twins part III, I have written extensively about this subject.”


So much also for this attempt in the first edition to substantiate the reasons for giving this introduction the polemical title “Confronting Jimmy Walter and 9/11, Part II”.


This was thus how matters stood on the eve of the “Mega-conference on the Lies, Facts and Consequences of 9/11” in Utrecht on September 16, where according to the program, would speak from 2.30-3.00 p.m. on the topic “To Re-open the 911 movement worldwide”, the person whom we were moved to figure so prominently in this introduction and whom, as we wrote: “we will attempt to confront or at least present there with this publication.” How this was done and what the outcome thereby was will be dealt with in the last part of this introduction, which is partly based on the insert and update for this pre-publication written on September 21, 2006.



The insert included the press releases in Dutch and English that the Willehalm Institute had put out the evening before the Mega-conference. The Dutch press release was entitled Confronting Jimmy Walter, Part II - Revealing Prepublication Operation Twins II Hot From The Press” and read in part (here freely translated): “In his summary to this sequel of Operation Twins I, the Serbian writer Slobodan Mitric not only reveals, based on his experiences as a former Yugoslavian top secret agent, the invisible war raging between former American and Russian secret service agents and the role thereby of the international (Dutch) mafia, but that furthermore the Dutch government keeps, or is forced to keep, its mouth shut about this clandestine continuation of the Cold War. In two challenging letters to his publisher, he accuses the US multimillionaire and prominent 9/11 activist Jimmy Walter of playing an active role in this invisible war. Tomorrow an attempt will be made to confront Walter – who is one of the many speakers at this 9/11 conference at the Utrecht Trade Fair (2.30-3 p.m.) – with this allegation.” This press release was emailed to several national Dutch newspapers such as De Volkskrant, Trouw, Het Parool, NRC en De Telegraaf, the first three of which also received the prepublication itself. A short press release in English announcing this pre-publication with its challenging disclosures and hard-hitting allegations was emailed to The NY Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The American Free Press and Time Magazine with an attachment containing the list of contents, the special request to members of the US Congress and the introduction by the publisher.

            No reaction from the mass media anywhere has since been received. (As Mitric later said, informing the media beforehand was a mistake, because through his media connections, it gave Walter a warning that his credentials would be challenged.) 


As to the 9/11 Mega Conference in Utrecht on September 16 itself, its visitors and organisers were confronted with the issue at hand. Some 200 Dutch press releases were handed out (some of which were promptly confiscated by Walter’s security agents) and the prepublication itself was offered for sale or handed out to journalists and writers. During a short speech in a question period I referred in public to the prepublication and the press release, mentioning also the actual possibility that a CIA “mole” had infiltrated the 9/11 movement and was even present at this conference.[10] I also spoke to Jimmy Walter personally. What transpired in this encounter is described in the following report.


“From: Robert Jan Kelder, Dir. Willehalm Institute Press and publisher of ‘Operation Twins I’ and the pre-publication of ‘Operation Twins II’


To: World Director Reserve Police International Dr. Slobodan Radojev Mitric

Zeeburgerdijk 25, 1093 SK Amsterdam


Amsterdam,  September 19, 2006




Dear Slobodan,

During his public speech at the above conference in Utrecht, Jimmy Walter stated that in order to (again) influence public opinion in favour of the Republicans before the coming November elections another terrorist attack, bigger than 9/11 is, in his opinion, to be expected in the coming month of October.

Jimmy Walter I met and spoke with personally at the conference, once before and once after his public speech there.

During the second meeting, I told Walter, among other things, that [you] Slobodan could perhaps with his experience and expertise prevent the attack in October that he (Walter) in his speech predicted would happen, because you had in the past infiltrated the group behind the previous attacks and thus could perhaps prevent this coming attack. At first Walter reacted by saying that he did not want to meet [up] with such dangerous people. But when I asked hem, if he did not want to help prevent this coming attack, he agreed  to meet up with you and gave me his own email address.

During the first meeting, I presented Walter with a copy of Operation Twins II with his name on the boat shown on the cover. During the second time, it was he who approached me, asked for a second copy of Operation Twins II and almost grabbed one out my hands.

This I have written and recollected to the best of my memory.

I will fill you in with more detail as soon as possible. I have already submitted several reports to you regarding this matter.”


The insert itself became necessary because due to two oversights. One was that  the letter by M. Markovich to the Director of the FBI, dated August 6, 1987 with the information on who was financing the group of terrorists in Amsterdam (see appendix 4b) was not printed in its entirety.[11] This letter was therefore emailed by Slobodan Mitric on September 19 2006 to the address Jimmy Walter had given me at the Mega-conference. He received the following answer:



To know for sure that you are a real live human being and not a spam source, this email address requires a verification from you.

To complete this verification, simply reply to this message and leave the subject line intact.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but we were hacked, our mail server was used to spam our own list and others, and our site was crashed; damn CIA, MI6, and Mossad!




After responding to the verification procedure, S. Mitric wrote with the following email:


“Amsterdam, September 19, 2006







Dear Sir!

Thank you for your email.

Question I: Did you meet me with Paul Wilking in The Hague in the summer of 1990: Yes or no?

Question II: Do you know Paul Wilking?

Question III: Your prison guard that had such “beautiful” things to say about me [during the conference to my publisher], please tell me his name. Is that perhaps Peter, former bodyguard of the deceased Fred Heineken?

If you know me, tell me! If you don’t know me, I will investigate this matter.

That’s all.


Yours sincerely,




This email solicited the same non-answer again and again.Concerning the question of the identity of Walter’s bodyguards, Mitric wrote me the following email on September 27, 2006:


There are two guards, who according to me have something to do with Walter.

One (whose name is known by the publisher) is blond. I know him from the eighties; he was discharged as a [prison] guard and went to work for the BVD [Dutch National Security Service].

            At the beginning of the nineties he participated in the kidnapping of a friend and informant of mine, Jaap van der Heijden, who was involved in the nuclear affair concerning Pakistan. Even the current president of Pakistan, then a general, came to visit this man in Heerhugowaard nearby Alkmaar via a member (Mr. K.) of the IDB [Dutch CIA] a week before this man [van der Heijden] was executed by means of explosives in Alkmaar.

It could very well be this guard, but it could also be a police sergeant, Mr. Bogart or something like that. This head guard was also discharged and went to work for the BVD at the end of the seventies or the beginning of the eighties.

            Via a FBI agent J.B., I heard about this man in connection with a certain Jimmy. I did not personally meet this guard then (I don’t know who it is), but he was present when this FBI boss threatened this police sergeant and that Jimmy in my name. I found all that very strange and (in order not to write too long about this question) I protested then against the fact that the FBI man threatened this Bogart and Jimmy in my name.

            I did some research about the circumstances around this FBI man J.B. (whom I knew from 1967 in Paris and who was also for decades a personal friend of Prince Bernard) and his battalion at the request of the Dutch Secret Service … (this involved research into the threat to kidnap a top nuclear engineer of the atomic research centre in Amsterdam Saris.    

            Thus perhaps one of this guards met you [at the mega-conference in Utrecht], but it could naturally also be somebody else.

            It is strange that this happened in the way you say and write.



A certain Mr. Brouwer from Tilburg had a business relation (running an illegal lottery in [the province of] Brabant with an American millionaire Walter in January/February 1980.

His sister Mechli had a relation with that Walter.

In de summer of 1982, she accused me – at the request of two corrupt policemen  Theo Buis en Hans Vis, as can be read in my book “Nederland’s Maffia” – of supposedly being raped by me in January/February 1980.

Slowly everything is falling into place.



Since that time (September 2006) no further answer or reaction, legal or otherwise, has been received. Should however a lawsuit for libel or slander against the author still be forthcoming from any of the persons or parties named by him, he has let it be known that – under the conditions that were already agreed upon in his past dealings with the Dutch government – he would welcome this as an opportunity to finally be able to prove his accusations and disclosures in a public court.





That the credibility gap mentioned at the beginning in the mean time will have been narrowed down, let alone closed, is hardly to be expected. But if the unbiased reader has at least been moved to consider the possibility that there is much more to these matter here than simply meets the eye and that more research or even a public international inquiry are urgently called for, then the publisher would consider his efforts to have been worthwhile.[12]


My final remark concerns the critical question sometimes put as to why a publisher, who has in the past 15 years only published anthroposophically inspired publications such as “How The Grail Sites Were Found – Wolfram von Eschenbach and The Reality of The Grail” and “The Virtues” (in Dutch), has since 2005 apparently switched to such an altogether different genre. For those interested, my answer to that, based on updated excerpts from the legal charter of the Willehalm Institute Press Foundationcan be found in appendix 10 “Brief History and Objectives of the Willehalm Institute”.  


Robert Jan Kelder,

Founding Director, Willehalm Foundation

Amsterdam, September 14, 2006 (updated May 16, 2008)


[1] Mitric received an honorary degree in law from the Arizona College of Police Science in 1986 based on his book Operation Twins. In that same year, 41 US Congressmen and Senators intervened on his behalf by demanding the Dutch government that he not be extradited to Yugoslavia. In recognition of his counter-intelligence fieldwork, he was appointed in 1993 as World Director of Reserve Police International by its founding director-general Raymond J. Healey, purely on volunteer basis, i.e. without financial rewards or remuneration. For more information on this appointment and a lucrative and legally rewarding contract with former Dutch prime minister Lubbers in or around 1984 that was not honored by the latter, see appendices 9,10, 12-14 and 20 in Operation Twins I, published  in Amsterdam in 2005 (ISBN 90-73932-05-X) or the Willehalm website www.willehalm.nl/operationtwins.htm  

[2] By means of this title page, placed on the Willehalm website in 2005, this particular containership has, according to Mitric, in the mean time been identified and seized by US authorities, who found weapons on board.

[3] Machiavelli in his Arte della Geurra (Treatise of War) in his day of 1521 warned of this ominous development: “I say (…) that (…) governments should fear those persons who make war their only business. And if a prince has not enough power over his infantry to make them disband and return cheerfully to their former occupations when war is over, he is on the road to being ruined. (Machiavelli 19)” 

[4] In 1979, Mitric was asked by his superior, General Healey to contact the later prominent Liberal Dutch politician F. Bolkestein, who was about to become the boss of the CIA in Europe. Nothing fruitful resulted from this.  Mitric was then asked in the eighties to seek contact with the members of the Dutch Parliament M. H. J Soutendijk and B.M.J. Hennekam. Only the latter showed any initial interest that soon however abated. A scene in his forthcoming reality novel “The Golden Tip” deals with this. Mitric believes that eventually only an official investigation by the Dutch, or even European Parliament, into the stranglehold between the under- and overworld can halt the further corruption and degeneration of human society. As an supplement to this topic, the publisher has previously published in Dutch and English a series of social-esthetic studies or essays by the German anthroposophist and philosopher Herbert Witzenmann that are introduced with a manifesto entitled “On The Creation Of An Overworld” that may, at first sight only, seem a far cry from what is presented here. However, the necessary operational attempts to halt terrorism and rampant corruption will only succeed in the long run, if they are flanked by an ethical individualism based on a viable worldview of man and his world. See also appendix 10.

[5] Not that he feels safe here. Since the attempt on his life in Amsterdam in 1973 by hired Yugoslavian gunmen, from which he narrowly escaped, but was jailed for 13 years for the death of three of his assailants, there have been several renewed attempts to silence this ailing man, who knows too much and who is now, while nearing the end of his eventful life, blowing the whistle increasingly loud and clear.

[6] Following the advice of Mitric’s lawyer Mr. Sarolea, it was originally planned to delay the publication of this potentially explosive booklet until after the outcome of the appeal, so as not to rock the boat too much in advance and possibly endanger thereby a positive outcome. But since this outcome is taking much longer than expected, since it will probably be a negative one and since the author has completely run out of borrowed means to keep himself alive, it was decided to go ahead with the publication now in the hope that it will solicit the necessary attention and support for the further translation and publication of the complete versions of Operation Twins II and III, thereby providing a source of livelihood for the author. Update: this legal appeal was, as was expected, lost, financial aid was nihil. A positive note however is that since the last election in November 2006, the controversial Dutch minister responsible for this ruling, Mrs. Verdonk, has finally been removed from her post (only to become head of another ministry). She has since then become the head of a populist new political movement called “Proud of The Netherlands”… Whether the Dutch have a reason to be proud of her suspected role in silencing Slobodan Mitric remains to be seen.

[7] Markovich had to pay dearly, apparently with his own life, for his active role as intermediary between Mitric and US intelligence officials.

[8] The criticism that this collage could just as well have been constructed after 9/11 can readily be refuted by the contacting the governments and officials to whom they were sent and by checking the dates on the postal stamps.

[9] The presentation was scheduled to take place next to the hall where Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende happened to be holding his weekly press conference. When the Prime Minister came out of this hall at the end of this conference – surrounded by a few body guards and followed by a swarm of journalists – I managed to hand him and some members of his entourage a press release coupled with an invitation to attend my book presentation, which the author himself saw unfortunately not fit to attend for fear of getting arrested, based on a new law requiring everyone to carry identification. Only the quixotic editor of the “Amsterdam Daily Invisible” showed up, which at least made it possible that the presentation could be held at all.

[10] One of the speakers at this conference had earlier spoken on the use of ‘moles” and “patsies” by the secret services, giving me an opportunity to enlarge on this. During my brief speech, I did not mention Jimmy Walter’s name point-blank, but in the context of the press release and the pre-publication given out previously, it was clear to whom this possible “mole” referred.

[11] The other oversight that had to be corrected was that the description Mitric had given of the copy shop in Scheveningen in front of which he and Paul Wilking were photographed was incomplete. The complete caption may be found on the inside of the back page.

[12] Interested readers or publishers willing and able to back or co-produce the whole “Operation Twins Trilogy” are requested to contact the publisher or the author.